
Print version in English

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Finished Size:   A5

Page Count:     56 pages not include the cover

Binding:           Staple binding

Finishing:         Matte laminated on the cover

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Original price was: ฿80.00.Current price is: ฿40.00.

The Bible does not say, those who experience sickness lack faith or have an issue with sin. The Tough Questions on Divine Healing book is based on actual biblical principles encouraging the sick to be healed.  The book answers tough questions from critics who might have never heard it is God’s grace to heal all who call upon the name of Jesus.  It also includes the real-life testimony of God raising the author from his deathbed just by exercising the authority given by the word of God. Those who read this short book will see many healed as they take hold of these principles. 

This is the English printed version.

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